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Community Watch

The primary mission of a Community Watch is to increase neighborhood awareness in the area of crime prevention so that potential crime risks and current crime problems can be quickly identified and combated in the most efficient manner. It is one of the most effective and least costly ways to prevent crime and reduce fear. Community Watch fights the isolation that crime both creates and feeds upon. 


  • Community Watch is about neighbors helping neighbors by providing extra eyes and ears. 

  • Members meet their neighbors and learn how to make their homes more secure, watch out for each other and the neighborhood, and report activities that raise their suspicions to the police. 

  • Special events are crucial to keep the program going and growing. Events might include holding safety talks, hosting block parties, or having picnics in the park. 

How the Police Department Helps

The Lexington Police Department will offer assistance by providing the necessary training and support for creating and the continued maintenance of a successful Community Watch. Start a Community Watch If you are interested in starting a Community Watch in your neighborhood, or to rejuvenate an already existing program, please feel free to contact the Lexington Police Department at 540-462-3705.

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